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Rubik's Cube Alarm Clock - suggestion
psmears Posted: 29 Jul 2020, 02:09 PM

Posts: 7
Joined: 28-July 20

A possible thought about how to do some working electronics that would both fit inside a Rubik's cube, and also work (as discussed on this page:

I'm not sure whether you've seen the page below? Basically it's possible to make a working RFID tag using just an ATtiny85, a small inductor and... literally nothing else.

So, in principle at least, you could do what you suggest about arranging contacts on each cube face such that a circuit is completed when the cube is solved, and have that circuit connect the inductor to the microcontroller - which would then cause the "RFID tag" to start responding, so that a base unit (on which you'd place the cube) could tell that the cube had been completed.

The base would need an RFID tag reader, but that's not too hard to make (or you can get something for less than a tenner on eBay...)

Seems plausible, at least on a hand-waving not-actually-having-tried-it level :-)

mit Posted: 31 Jul 2020, 11:30 AM
yeah whatever

Posts: 576
Joined: 4-May 16
That's an interesting idea, it could probably work.

Did you see the self-solving rubik's cube? There's a dissassembly video of it posted here: Compared to that, the idea of just detecting when the cube is solved seems positively simple!

psmears Posted: 31 Jul 2020, 11:55 AM

Posts: 7
Joined: 28-July 20
I had not seen that - that is certainly impressive! :)


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