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Precision Clock... question on the main Firmware
peteb Posted: 4 Mar 2021, 09:39 AM

Posts: 1
Joined: 3-March 21
I recently completed my kit but it did nothing, not even the seven segment displays. Fault finding & i could 'scope the various blocks of data moving around but both MAX7219s weren't a happening thing. (assumed something like parcel being given a healthy dose of X-rays). Replaced both '7219s and we had working 7segs. GPS lock never occurred, even leaving the PCB outdoors for a couple hours. Enter a new NEVO7M i sourced locally a few days later and within seconds we had lock even indoors, a neat clock indeed! Now comes my concern. If the ATtiny2313 should die that's the clock over and out. I must be a bit dim but as far as i can find is the actual main FW for the clock available to load into another new 2313 device using as described usbasp & avrdude etc etc...? (I guess as a hex file)... I've found the associated HEX file for setting up a different DST indication or having UTC displayed instead of NZ DStime but i am paranoid to do any playing around with the only working kit supplied device. TIA

mit Posted: 4 Mar 2021, 11:05 AM
yeah whatever

Posts: 576
Joined: 4-May 16
Hello, I'm very sorry about this, I found out a whole batch of MAX7219 drivers were faulty shortly after sending them out. I sent an email to everyone affected but it may have ended up in a spam folder.

The fact that your GPS module didn't work either is doubly unlucky. I'm honestly impressed you managed to find and fix everything without any help!

If you want to display UTC, it's now possible to do that by shorting one of the pins to ground. You can add a switch to toggle between local time and UTC, there are instructions to do that here.

The firmware is available in the github repo. The main file GPSClock.asm is the source code to the clock, which makes heavy use of the preprocessor to generate different build files for different zones. In addition to flashing the firmware onto the chip, it's also sometimes necessary to calibrate the internal oscillator. I have a jig for doing that. It doesn't need to be super accurate, just good enough for the serial baud rates to match.

I'm happy to calibrate and send you a couple of spare ATtiny chips if you like, as a small compensation for so much of the kit not working!


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