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ISO Standard for Precision Clock
TreKKiwL Posted: 28 Jun 2022, 03:19 AM

Posts: 5
Joined: 21-February 21
Hello everyone.

Can anybody tell me if there is an ISO Standard that relates to the precision, repeatability, etc for these clocks. I'm sure I read something that mentions an ISO standard.

I love these clocks, by the way. I have built five and two are used in the house. My friends have built another three.

mit Posted: 28 Jun 2022, 09:53 AM
yeah whatever

Posts: 551
Joined: 4-May 16
Well, the relevant ISO standard is ISO8601, but it's a standard for time/date format, not precision or repeatability. There are a lot of people who are devout fans of ISO8601, there's even a subreddit for it.

In terms of the timing accuracy, there's another thread here where someone compared the PPS output to some expensive alternatives.

Of course the serially-addressed display drivers have several orders of magnitude more jitter than this, but it's nice to know.

TreKKiwL Posted: 28 Jun 2022, 10:10 PM

Posts: 5
Joined: 21-February 21

Thank you. In spite of my wording, that is what I was looking for.

Much appreciated!!


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