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Functional Rubick’s Cube Alarm Clock
RubicksAlarmEnthusiast Posted: 17 May 2024, 08:36 PM

Posts: 1
Joined: 17-May 24
Hi there,

I found an old thread/post from 2008 about the viability of a functional Rubick’s cube alarm clock.

I’ve had this idea for the past decade and how popular it would be if someone could manufacturer it. I was inspired to revive the idea here in case modern technology has progressed to the point that this isn’t an outlandish design.

I saw the main obstacles would be the internal connectors (that would confirm or deny it the puzzle was solved). I still don’t have a good answer for that, however, battery life, screen and time settings could be solved with a modern smartphone app and potentially wireless charging.

Interested in the current state of this and I’d be the first to purchase one out the gate!


mit Posted: 19 May 2024, 12:47 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
I think today it would be quite possible to build it.

See also this thread where I linked to a self-solving rubick's cube, which is a much bigger technical challenge.

I think the easiest way to do this today would be to use OpenCV and an unmodified cube. Just point your smartphone's camera at the cube and it can visually identify if it's solved or not. I suppose it would be easy to cheat, by just showing a picture of a completed cube. Maybe it should require the user to rotate the finished cube in front of it and do some photogrammetry.

There are already alarm apps that make you scan something like a barcode which you put in another room, to force you to get out of bed.

Then again a physical cube with all the electronics inside would be a lot more satisfying.


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