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Did someone bend their stylophone?
szymszyl Posted: 9 Dec 2018, 07:08 PM

Posts: 1
Joined: 9-December 18
Hi guys I'm new to this community as well I'm new to circuit bending. I treated my self and bought a stylophone (the 50th year edition one) and got bored quickly. I can't find any tutorials on YouTube that explained this mess good. Can anyone of you users with some experience help me or guide me on a good track? Maybe some of you did it on your stylophone? you can also PV message me.
Thanks , Szymszyl

Last edit by szymszyl at 9 Dec 2018, 07:10 PM

mit Posted: 10 Dec 2018, 01:37 AM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Hi, not sure if you have already seen my attempts at it here:

Sticking an LDR between the audio output and the audio input is one of the easiest mods you can do, and it causes all kinds of weird effects. They get weirder if you change the loading on the output.


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