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22 Dec 2018
Progress: Complete

This is page 8 of the Games Console project.

I wanted to complete the trilogy, but part of the way through this one I got distracted and started working on the next game. But, there are still a few interesting points to note here.

Oscilloscope screen with astrolander in progress


In bitmap graphics, Bresenham's line algorithm is used to draw a straight line between two points.

Bresenham line algorithm diagram

If you've been looking through the source code so far, you may have been surprised to see the implementation of Bresenham's line algorithm here. Certainly my first thought about vector graphics was that we wouldn't need to worry about this sort of thing, but no, it's actually really important.

Slew rate is the speed at which an output voltage can change. If we tell our video circuit to output a certain value, it will always take a finite amount of time to reach that point. In fact, it'll approach the value exponentially. This is an important point. If we tried to draw a straight line between two points on the display by simply oscillating between the end points, the beam would move exponentially from point to point, and so for anything except 90 or 45 degree angles, instead of a line, we'd end up with a lemon-shape, as the X and Y movements travelled at different speeds.

So we need to use the line algorithm and move a pixel at a time, if we want our lines to be straight. Luckily, it's quite straight forward and I just copied the logic from wikipedia. The real question is, why do old vector games like Asteroids not look pixellated? Well, they are, but they run at a higher resolution so you don't notice it. The real benefit of vector graphics is from the days of limited video memory. With vector graphics, you can have a higher resolution for a given amount of video memory. In our case, however, we were rather silly and went for a low resolution vector output. And also, we have no video memory at all. 90% of our CPU time is spent in the drawing routines.

There is a subtle edge-case in our implementation of the line algorithm. The screen coordinates are all unsigned, but the algorithm works with signed offsets. In order for lines longer than 128 pixels to be drawn correctly, we have to do some extra checking at the start of the routine.

For Astrolander, the example map is something I quickly sketched out in paint, and the points are so close together you that may think the line algorithm isn't needed, but it's all the more important when we start to zoom in on the scene. Also, the real maps, if I ever got as far as ripping them, were mostly composed of straight lines.

Screenshot of astrolander


Acceleration and momentum are pretty much just extensions of what we did with the RetroRacer movement.

Scaling means we can't get away with limited resolution, everything needs to be at least 16-bit. With a 16-bit scale factor and 16-bit coordinates, applying the scale means double precision multiplications. Extending the precision of the multiply instructions is a fairly standard proceedure, I think there are even examples of it in the datasheets. It's pretty much a case of high byte times low byte, low byte times high byte, high times high, low times low, and add them all in the right proportions.

; Function scaleCoordinate - modified 16bit signed multiply.
; r21:r20 = scale * r21:r20
    push r16
    push r17
    push r18
    push r19
    clr r2
    muls scaleH, r21 ; (signed)ah * (signed)bh
    movw r19:r18, r1:r0
    mul scaleL, r20 ; al * bl
    movw r17:r16, r1:r0
    mulsu scaleH, r20 ; (signed)ah * bl
    sbc r19, r2
    add r17, r0
    adc r18, r1
    adc r19, r2
    mulsu r21, scaleL ; (signed)bh * al
    sbc r19, r2
    add r17, r0
    adc r18, r1
    adc r19, r2
    sbrs r19,7 ; if result is negative, don't round
    inc r2
    sbrc r17,7 ; round to 16bit result
    add r18,r2
    clr r2
    adc r19,r2
    movw r21:r20, r19:r18
    pop r19
    pop r18
    pop r17
    pop r16

Once we've scaled our coordinate, we then need to only draw it if it's within the display. A modified drawLine routine checks for this, and attempts to draw only part of the line if it's half-in half-out.

I didn't write these games in the order they're presented here, or in the video. I think AstroLander was actually the penultimate game I made, right before mario. Looking through the source code, the style is quite different to how I was writing things at the beginning.

If we'd gotten as far as it, collisions would have been an interesting challenge. We'd really want this to be pixel accurate, so I suppose the only viable way would be to perform a set of comparisons within the line-drawing routines for the terrain. Each pixel in the bresenham implementation would have to be checked against the stack of pixels that compose the triangle that is our spaceship. I'm not sure if we'd have enough processing power for this, but it could probably be inserted in place of the delay routines as it's drawn. As the triangle of the spaceship got bigger, there would be less terrain to check against. Possibly, if needed, a pre-comparison could check if the spaceship is nearby or miles away, and skip the bulk of the code if it isn't needed.

Not much more to be said about this one. Dig in to the juicy, half-finished code below. Commented out is an unfinished auto-scaling routine, but otherwise the zoom is just set by pressing up and down on the controller. Next up, Tetris and the 3D malarky.

### AstroLander.asm ###

    ;init frame counter
    ldi r16,0
    out TCNT0, r16
    ldi r16, (1<<CS02)|(1<<CS01)|(1<<CS00)
    out TCCR0, r16
    ldi r16, 128
    out OCR0, r16

    .def x_H = r4
    .def x_L = r5
    .def y_H = r6
    .def y_L = r7
    .def speedx_H = r8
    .def speedx_L = r9
    .def speedy_H = r10
    .def speedy_L = r11
    .def theta = r12

    .def translateX = r14
    .def translateY = r15       
    .def scaleH = r22
    .def scaleL = r23

    ldi scaleH,2    ;2.5
    ldi scaleL,128
    ldi r16,128
    mov translateX,r16
    ldi r16,220
    mov translateY,r16
    ldi r16,0
    mov speedx_H,r16
    mov speedx_L,r16
    mov speedy_H,r16
    mov speedy_L,r16
    mov x_H,r16
    mov y_H,r16
    rcall readController

    sbrs r2,ctrlUp
    rjmp asdf
    subi scaleL,-1
    sbci scaleH,-1
    sbrs r2,ctrlDown
    rjmp fdsa
    subi scaleL,1
    sbci scaleH,0
    ldi r16, 2 ; turn speed
    sbrc r2, ctrlLeft
    add theta,r16
    sbrc r2, ctrlRight
    sub theta,r16

    ; Accelerate
    sbrs r2, ctrlA
    rjmp doGravity

    mov r17, theta
    ldi r16, 16                 ; acceleration magnitude
    rcall sinS                  ; returns in r1:r0
    sbrc r0,7
    inc r1
    add speedy_L, r1
    ldi r16,0
    sbrc r1,7
    ldi r16,-1
    adc speedy_H, r16   
    mov r17, theta
    ldi r16, 16                 ; acceleration magnitude
    rcall cosS                  ; returns in r1:r0
    sbrc r0,7
    inc r1
    add speedx_L, r1
    ldi r16,0
    sbrc r1,7
    ldi r16,-1
    adc speedx_H, r16   

    ldi r16,4
    add speedy_L,r16
    ldi r16,0
    adc speedy_H,r16

    rcall friction

    add x_L, speedx_L
    adc x_H, speedx_H
    add y_L, speedy_L
    adc y_H, speedy_H
    ;push r2
    ; calculate scaling
    rcall calcDistance
    ldi r16,10
    cp r1,r16
    brcc notclose
    ;lsl scaleL
    ;rol scaleH
    subi scaleL,-8
    sbci scaleH,-1
    rjmp donescaling
    ldi r16,1
    ldi r17,0
    cp scaleL,r17
    cpc scaleH,r16
    brcs donescaling
    ;lsr scaleH
    ;ror scaleL
    subi scaleL,8
    sbci scaleH,0
    ldi ZH, HIGH(scalingLookup*2)
    ldi ZH,  LOW(scalingLookup*2)
    clr r0
    add ZL, r1
    adc ZH, r0
    add ZL, r1
    adc ZH, r0
    lpm scaleL, Z+
    lpm scaleH, Z+

    ;pop r2
    rcall drawShip
    ; draw map
    ldi r16,-10
    ldi r17,-5
    ldi r18,4
    ldi r19,-12
    ldi r26,0
    ldi r27,0
    ldi r24,0
    ldi r25,0
    rcall drawLineScaled
    ldi ZH, HIGH(polygon1*2)
    ldi ZL,  LOW(polygon1*2)
    rcall drawPolygonPM
    ldi ZH, HIGH(polygon2*2)
    ldi ZL,  LOW(polygon2*2)
    rcall drawPolygonPM

    ldi r16,0
    out PORTA,r16
    out PORTC,r16
    in r16, TIFR
    sbrs r16, OCF0
    rjmp waitforframe
    ldi r16, (1<<OCF0)
    out TIFR, r16
    ldi r16, 0
    out TCNT0, r16
    rjmp Main

    push r2
    ldi r16,8
    mov r17, theta
    rcall sinS
    movw r30, r0        ; r31:r30 is now sintheta
    ldi r16,8
    mov r17, theta
    rcall cosS
    movw r28, r0        ; r29:r28 is now costheta

    ; r16 = x0H
    ; r17 = y0H
    ; r18 = x1H
    ; r19 = y1H
    ; r26 = x0L
    ; r27 = y0L
    ; r24 = x1L
    ; r25 = y1L
    mov r26,x_L
    mov r16,x_H
    add r26,r28 ; x + costheta
    adc r16,r29
    mov r27,y_L
    mov r17,y_H
    add r27,r30 ; y + sintheta
    adc r17,r31
    push r16    ; save for later
    push r17
    push r26
    push r27
    asr r31     ; Halve sin/cos values
    ror r30
    asr r29
    ror r28

    mov r24,x_L
    mov r18,x_H
    add r24,r30 ; x + halfsin - halfcos
    adc r18,r31
    sub r24,r28
    sbc r18,r29
    mov r25,y_L
    mov r19,y_H
    sub r25,r30 ; y -halfcos-halfsin
    sbc r19,r31
    sub r25,r28
    sbc r19,r29
    rcall drawLineScaled
    mov r24,x_L
    mov r18,x_H
    sub r24,r30 ; x - halfsin - halfcos
    sbc r18,r31
    sub r24,r28
    sbc r18,r29
    mov r25,y_L
    mov r19,y_H
    sub r25,r30 ; y +halfcos-halfsin
    sbc r19,r31
    add r25,r28
    adc r19,r29
    rcall drawLineScaled
    pop r25     ; recover starting position
    pop r24
    pop r19
    pop r18

    rcall drawLineScaled
    pop r2
    sbrs r2,ctrlA
    rjmp drawShipEnd    ; draw the plume
    mov r26,x_L
    mov r16,x_H
    add r27,r30 ; x + halfsin - halfcos
    adc r16,r31
    sub r27,r28
    sbc r16,r29
    mov r27,y_L
    mov r17,y_H
    sub r28,r30 ; y -halfcos-halfsin
    sbc r17,r31
    sub r28,r28
    sbc r17,r29
    mov r24,x_L ; x-costheta
    mov r18,x_H
    sub r24,r28
    sbc r18,r29
    sub r24,r28
    sbc r18,r29
    mov r25,y_L
    mov r19,y_H
    sub r25,r30 ; y -sintheta
    sbc r19,r31
    sub r25,r30
    sbc r19,r31
    rcall drawLineScaled
    mov r24,x_L
    mov r18,x_H
    sub r24,r30 ; x - halfsin - halfcos
    sbc r18,r31
    sub r24,r28
    sbc r18,r29
    mov r25,y_L
    mov r19,y_H
    sub r25,r30 ; y +halfcos-halfsin
    sbc r19,r31
    add r25,r28
    adc r19,r29
    rcall drawLineScaled
; Function friction
; subtracts one sixteenth of current speed from speed
    push r16
    push r17
    clr r17
    sbrc speedx_H,7
    dec r17
    mov r16, speedx_H
    sub speedx_L, r16
    sbc speedx_H,r17
    clr r17
    sbrc speedy_H,7
    dec r17
    mov r16, speedy_H
    sub speedy_L, r16
    sbc speedy_H,r17
    pop r17
    pop r16

; function calcDistance
; Works out the squared distance between x_H,y_H and 0,0
    ;ldi r16,0
    ;ldi r17,0
    mov r26,x_H
    ;sub r26,r16        ; Difference between x coordinates
    muls r26,r26    ; square it
    movw r24,r0     ; save for later
    mov r26,y_H     
    ;sub r26,r17        ; difference in y coordinates
    muls r26,r26    ; square it
    add r0,r24      ; add two values together
    adc r1,r25      ; (return in r1:r0)
; Function scaleCoordinate - modified 16bit signed multiply.
; r21:r20 = scale * r21:r20
    push r16
    push r17
    push r18
    push r19
    clr r2
    muls scaleH, r21 ; (signed)ah * (signed)bh
    movw r19:r18, r1:r0
    mul scaleL, r20 ; al * bl
    movw r17:r16, r1:r0
    mulsu scaleH, r20 ; (signed)ah * bl
    sbc r19, r2
    add r17, r0
    adc r18, r1
    adc r19, r2
    mulsu r21, scaleL ; (signed)bh * al
    sbc r19, r2
    add r17, r0
    adc r18, r1
    adc r19, r2
    sbrs r19,7 ; if result is negative, don't round
    inc r2
    sbrc r17,7 ; round to 16bit result
    add r18,r2
    clr r2
    adc r19,r2
    movw r21:r20, r19:r18
    pop r19
    pop r18
    pop r17
    pop r16

; Transform functions - scale and translate.
    mov r21,x_H
    mov r20,x_L
    rcall scaleCoordinate
    add r20,translateX
    adc r21,r2

    mov r21,y_H
    mov r20,y_L
    rcall scaleCoordinate
    add r20,translateY
    adc r21,r2

/* Function drawPolygonPM(Z pointer)
 * Draw from a list of coords in program memory
 * First byte is number of vertices, followed by pairs of x,y bytes

.def vertexCount=r3

    lpm vertexCount, Z+
    lpm r16,Z+              ; load starting point
    lpm r17,Z+              ; all polygons must have at least 2 vertices
    dec vertexCount 

    lpm r18,Z+              ; load next vertex
    lpm r19,Z+
    ldi r26,0
    ldi r27,0
    ldi r24,0
    ldi r25,0
    rcall drawLineScaled

    dec vertexCount
    brne polyPMnextVert     ; repeat until end of polygon


    ; Transform start and end coordinates.
    ; If within the screen, call ordinary drawLine.
    ; r16 = x0H
    ; r17 = y0H
    ; r18 = x1H
    ; r19 = y1H
    ; r26 = x0L
    ; r27 = y0L
    ; r24 = x1L
    ; r25 = y1L
    push r18    ; save final coordinate
    push r19
    push r24
    push r25
    ; scale x0
    mov r21,r16
    mov r20,r26
    rcall scaleCoordinate
    add r20,translateX
    adc r21,r2
    cpi r21, 0
    breq dLx0WithinRange

    ; x0 is out of range
    rjmp scaleLine

    push r20    ; x0 ok

    ; scale y0
    mov r21, r17
    mov r20, r27
    rcall scaleCoordinate
    add r20,translateY
    adc r21,r2
    cpi r21,0
    breq dLy0WithinRange

    ; y0 is out of range
    pop r20
    rjmp scaleLine

    push r20

    ; scale x1
    mov r21,r18
    mov r20,r24
    rcall scaleCoordinate
    add r20,translateX
    adc r21,r2
    cpi r21, 0
    breq dLx1WithinRange
    ; x1 is out of range
    pop r20
    pop r20
    rjmp scaleLine

    push r20

    ; scale y1
    mov r21, r19
    mov r20, r25
    rcall scaleCoordinate
    add r20,translateY
    adc r21,r2
    cpi r21,0
    breq dLy1WithinRange

    ; y1 is out of range
    pop r20
    pop r20
    pop r20
    rjmp scaleLine

    mov r19,r20
    pop r18
    pop r17
    pop r16
    rcall drawLine
    ; for now, just don't draw it.
    pop r27     ;shift end point to starting point (for polygons)
    pop r26
    pop r17
    pop r16

    ;Local variables
    push r20
    push r21
    push r22
    push r23
    push r24
    push r25
.def slowx=r20
.def slowy=r21
.def fastx=r22
.def fasty=r23
.def err = r24
.def t   = r25

    ; First we split the magnitude and direction
    ; Need to be careful/explicit because mag could be >127

    cp dx,x0
    breq slineXeq
    brcs slineXneg      ; Carry flag set if it overflowed
    ldi slowx,1         ; slowx is the direction
    sub dx,x0           ; dx is now the magnitude
    rjmp slineY

    ldi slowx,-1
    mov t, x0           ; t as temp var
    sub t, dx
    mov dx, t
    rjmp slineY

    clr slowx
    clr dx
slineY:                 ; Now do the same for y
    cp dy,y0
    breq slineYeq
    brcs slineYneg
    ldi slowy,1
    sub dy,y0
    rjmp slineCheckDistance

    ldi slowy,-1
    mov t, y0           ; t as temp var
    sub t, dy
    mov dy, t
    rjmp slineCheckDistance

    clr slowy
    clr dy

slineCheckDistance:     ; Now to find which direction is "faster"
    cp dx, dy
    brcs slineDxLessthanDy
    mov fastx, slowx    ; x is the fast direction
    clr fasty

    eor dx, dy          ; Tripple XOR, the classy way to
    eor dy, dx          ; swap two registers
    eor dx, dy

    rjmp slineInit  

    mov fasty, slowy    ; y is the fast direction, no need to swap
    clr fastx

    mov err, dy         ; set err to half the furthest distance
    lsr err
    out PORTA, x0       ; We are now ready to draw the line
    out PORTC, y0
    rcall delayPixel

    mov t, dy

    sub err, dx         ; Update error term
    brcc slineStepParallel

    add err, dy         ; Make error term positive again
    add x0,slowx        ; Step diagonally
    add y0,slowy
    rjmp slineLoopBack

    add x0,fastx        ; Step parallel
    add y0,fasty

    out PORTA, x0       ; Plot point
    out PORTC, y0
    rcall delayPixel

    dec t
    brne slineNextPixel

    pop r25
    pop r24
    pop r23
    pop r22
    pop r21
    pop r20

    ret                 ; End of drawLine


/*  Function drawLine (x0,y0,x1,y1)
 *  My implementation of Bresenham line algorithm
 *  based on pseudocode/description from wikipedia

    ;Function arguments
.def x0=r16
.def y0=r17
.def dx=r18
.def dy=r19
    ;Local variables
    push r20
    push r21
    push r22
    push r23
    push r24
    push r25
.def slowx=r20
.def slowy=r21
.def fastx=r22
.def fasty=r23
.def err = r24
.def t   = r25

    ; First we split the magnitude and direction
    ; Need to be careful/explicit because mag could be >127

    cp dx,x0
    breq lineXeq
    brcs lineXneg       ; Carry flag set if it overflowed
    ldi slowx,1         ; slowx is the direction
    sub dx,x0           ; dx is now the magnitude
    rjmp lineY

    ldi slowx,-1
    mov t, x0           ; t as temp var
    sub t, dx
    mov dx, t
    rjmp lineY

    clr slowx
    clr dx
lineY:                  ; Now do the same for y
    cp dy,y0
    breq lineYeq
    brcs lineYneg
    ldi slowy,1
    sub dy,y0
    rjmp lineCheckDistance

    ldi slowy,-1
    mov t, y0           ; t as temp var
    sub t, dy
    mov dy, t
    rjmp lineCheckDistance

    clr slowy
    clr dy

lineCheckDistance:      ; Now to find which direction is "faster"
    cp dx, dy
    brcs lineDxLessthanDy
    mov fastx, slowx    ; x is the fast direction
    clr fasty

    eor dx, dy          ; Tripple XOR, the classy way to
    eor dy, dx          ; swap two registers
    eor dx, dy

    rjmp lineInit   

    mov fasty, slowy    ; y is the fast direction, no need to swap
    clr fastx

    mov err, dy         ; set err to half the furthest distance
    lsr err
    out PORTA, x0       ; We are now ready to draw the line
    out PORTC, y0
    rcall delayPixel

    mov t, dy

    sub err, dx         ; Update error term
    brcc lineStepParallel

    add err, dy         ; Make error term positive again
    add x0,slowx        ; Step diagonally
    add y0,slowy
    rjmp lineLoopBack

    add x0,fastx        ; Step parallel
    add y0,fasty

    out PORTA, x0       ; Plot point
    out PORTC, y0
    rcall delayPixel

    dec t
    brne lineNextPixel

    pop r25
    pop r24
    pop r23
    pop r22
    pop r21
    pop r20

    ret                 ; End of drawLine

    push r16
    ldi r16,12
    dec r16
    brne delayPixelLoop
    pop r16

/* Function sinS(coordinate, dir)
 * Scales 8bit signed coordinate by sine of the direction
 * Simplified, no rounding, returns in r1:r0
    .def cor=r16
    .def dir=r17
    push ZH
    push ZL
    ldi ZH, HIGH(sineTable*2+255)
    ldi ZL,  LOW(sineTable*2+255)
    sub ZL, dir
    sbci ZH, $00            ; sub-with-carry 0 from high byte
    lpm dir, Z
    fmuls cor,dir
    pop ZL
    pop ZH

/* Function cosS(coordinate, dir)
 * Scales 8bit signed coordinate by cosine of the direction
    push ZH
    push ZL
    ldi ZH, HIGH(sineTable*2+255)
    ldi ZL,  LOW(sineTable*2+255)   ; reuse table, but shift by pi/2
    subi dir, 192                   ; which in our notation is 64 (-192)
    sub ZL, dir
    sbci ZH, $00
    lpm dir, Z
    fmuls cor,dir
    pop ZL
    pop ZH

; Function readController, loads into r2
    sbis SPSR,SPIF
    rjmp readController     ; Wait for reception complete
    in r2,SPDR              ; Read received data
    com r2
    push r16
    ldi r16,0b00000000      ; init controller read again
    out SPDR,r16
    pop r16

; signed values, in reverse order
.db $FD,$FA,$F7,$F4,$F0,$ED,$EA,$E7,$E4,$E1,$DE,$DB,$D8,$D5,$D2,$CF,$CD,$CA,$C7,$C4,$C1,$BF,$BC,$B9,$B7,$B4,$B2,$AF,$AD,$AB,$A8,$A6,$A4,$A2,$A0,$9E,$9C,$9A,$98,$96,$95,$93,$91,$90,$8F,$8D,$8C,$8B,$8A,$88,$87,$86,$86,$85,$84,$83,$83,$82,$82,$82,$81,$81,$81,$81,$81,$81,$81,$82,$82,$82,$83,$83,$84,$85,$86,$86,$87,$88,$8A,$8B,$8C,$8D,$8F,$90,$91,$93,$95,$96,$98,$9A,$9C,$9E,$A0,$A2,$A4,$A6,$A8,$AB,$AD,$AF,$B2,$B4,$B7,$B9,$BC,$BF,$C1,$C4,$C7,$CA,$CD,$CF,$D2,$D5,$D8,$DB,$DE,$E1,$E4,$E7,$EA,$ED,$F0,$F4,$F7,$FA,$FD,$00,$03,$06,$09,$0C,$10,$13,$16,$19,$1C,$1F,$22,$25,$28,$2B,$2E,$31,$33,$36,$39,$3C,$3F,$41,$44,$47,$49,$4C,$4E,$51,$53,$55,$58,$5A,$5C,$5E,$60,$62,$64,$66,$68,$6A,$6B,$6D,$6F,$70,$71,$73,$74,$75,$76,$78,$79,$7A,$7A,$7B,$7C,$7D,$7D,$7E,$7E,$7E,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7E,$7E,$7E,$7D,$7D,$7C,$7B,$7A,$7A,$79,$78,$76,$75,$74,$73,$71,$70,$6F,$6D,$6B,$6A,$68,$66,$64,$62,$60,$5E,$5C,$5A,$58,$55,$53,$51,$4E,$4C,$49,$47,$44,$41,$3F,$3C,$39,$36,$33,$31,$2E,$2B,$28,$25,$22,$1F,$1C,$19,$16,$13,$10,$0C,$09,$06,$03,$00

.db 63,  0,0,-3,-3,-6,-10,-7,-13,-9,-15,-10,-20,-11,-22,-13,-26,-14,-29,-16,-30,-17,-30,-20,-30,-24,-27,-25,-22,-27,-18,-29,-12,-31,-4,-33,2,-34,4,-35,6,-39,16,-40,17,-42,17,-45,17,-49,7,-51,-6,-51,-15,-51,-22,-52,-33,-54,-39,-57,-45,-60,-52,-63,-53,-66,-50,-70,-45,-72,-34,-75,-26,-75,-25,-81,-17,-85,-12,-88,-8,-90,-10,-92,-22,-94,-35,-97,-47,-99,-59,-99,-65,-99,-65,-99,-66,-103,-78,-105,-79,-112,-74,-114,-67,-116,-60,-119,-48,-120,-38,-121,-29,-121,-17,-123,-11,-124,-8,-125,-7,-126,-4,-128,-3

.db 55,  0,1,16,1,16,4,0,4,0,1,17,1,19,-2,19,-6,20,-12,21,-17,22,-21,23,-24,26,-26,27,-26,31,-20,33,-15,34,-11,37,-4,38,5,39,12,40,15,43,15,47,11,52,2,52,-1,53,-7,53,-10,55,-21,55,-25,56,-28,58,-36,58,-39,59,-47,63,-58,67,-69,70,-73,74,-78,75,-78,75,-72,75,-57,76,-51,78,-44,82,-39,84,-37,86,-36,95,-50,96,-52,99,-55,106,-45,113,-34,113,-34,113,-34,122,-33,125,-36,127,-41

.include "Bootloader.asm"

Marvellous. Continue to page 9.