I find chaos theory fascinating, the idea that something can be both deterministic and unpredictable. What better way is there to investigate than a computer model – one with no random parameters, and input values known to a ridiculous number of decimal places. I wrote this program and write-up for an assignment in uni. Needless to say I got the highest mark possible.
Predictability of a Double Pendulum
Figure 1
Double pendulum diagram showing M, m, R, r, and θ
A simulation of a double pendulum was constructed to
investigate the predictability of its final position after a set amount of
time, for different initial conditions. Certain ranges were found to be
predictable while others were chaotic. The boundaries of these regions showed a
direct correlation to where the lower pendulum inverted.
natural systems exhibit chaos, such as the weather. Despite their deterministic
nature these systems can be unpredictable due to their extreme sensitivity to
initial conditions. Knowing what defines the chaotic regions is important in
many fields.
In the simplest (Ref1)
double pendulum (Figure1) m << M, thus the motion (amplitude) of M can be approximated by (eq.1).
where a0
and τ are constants of amplitude
and period of M. Hence m is modelled as a single pendulum under
acceleration a (eq.2&3)
where ω is
the angular velocity of m. Constants r,
g are arbitrarily chosen to be 1. Initial values of ω, θ are chosen
to be 0.0 and 0.1, respectively.
The first simulation evolves for tmax=100 seconds
and records the θfinal.
This simulation is repeated through a range of values for a0 and τ,
and plotted to a graph (Figure2). Each data-point is a shade of gray
corresponding to the value of theta; it is not the brightness that is of
relevance but more how it relates to adjacent points. Thus areas forming a
smooth gradient represent predictable regions, while the seemingly stochastic
areas correspond to chaos. Figure3 shows the same area with tmax=400
seconds. The boundary between chaos and predictability is clearer.
Figure 2.
Values of θ for 0.21 < a0 < 0.25 and 7 < τ < 9 with tmax = 100
Figure 3.
Values of θ for 0.21 < a0 < 0.25 and 7 < τ < 9 with tmax = 400
A phase-space plot (ω
verses θ) for a single pendulum
would be a circle. Figures 4&5 show phase-space plots for simulations
inside and outside the chaotic boundary. The chaotic pendulum’s plot stretching
to the left demonstrates θ
leaving its normal range, i.e. it made a full rotation. Investigating this as
the reason for the chaotic region, the program was modified to identify regions
where the lower pendulum inverted. This was achieved by measuring the
proportion of time θ escaped the
range (-π,π) and highlighting the graph in red to represent it. (Figures6&7)
Figure 4.
Phase-space plot with a0 = 0.251, τ = 8 and tmax = 100
The pendulum swings normally, with just a few wobbles.
Figure 5.
Phase-space plot with a0 = 0.251, τ = 7 and tmax = 100
The pendulum has clearly done several full inversions.
Figure 6.
Values of θ for 0.21 < a0 < 0.25 and 7 < τ < 9 with tmax = 100
Red indicates θ went outside the region ( -π , π )
Figure 7.
Values of θ for 0.21 < a0 < 0.25 and 7 < τ < 9 with tmax = 400
A deeper hue means θ spent a bigger fraction of the simulation outside the region ( -π , π )
As time evolves, the chaotic regions become clearer and
spread asymptotically. The red highlight follows the same area exactly, as can
be seen by comparing Figures 2&3 to Figures 6&7. Zooming out, the
boundary of chaos surrounds the regular, predictable pattern in a parabola (Figure8).
Outside this region the pendulum behaves like a single pendulum as the
amplitude of M is too small, or the period of M is too large, to have an
effect. The base of the region marks the resonant frequency of the lower
pendulum (ref3).
Figure 8.
Values of θ for 0.0 < a0 < 0.2 and 6 < τ < 8 with tmax = 400
The chaotic region draws out a parabola over time.
Figure 9.
Same as figure 8 but with θinit=π/2
Figure 10.
Same as figure 8 but with θinit=3π/4
Investigating the dependency on initial conditions, Figures 9&10
show how the same area changes when
(ωinit is kept constant). The chaotic region grows
as the pendulum can escape the normal region much easier. At
the graph becomes pure
chaos. Changing ωinit
would produce similar (but skewed) graphs, akin to jumping ahead in the
Choosing levels of accuracy is a compromise with computing
power and available time. Reducing Δt makes the regions clearer but takes
longer to render. Throughout the simulations Δt=0.1, chosen after examining
Throughout, all decimal variables were stored as double
floats (8 bytes). This gives around 16 places of precision. The limitations of
the program are visible when simulations are made in steps of ~10-17
(Figure11). When investigating chaos, rounding errors can have a huge effect on
the output (ref2). However, the
graphs in this simulation were plotted in steps of ~10-5 hence
rounding errors should not have effected the results significantly.
Figure 11.
Extremely high resolution plots become “pixilated” as the limitations of variable accuracy become evident.
Figure 12.
Three test plots of the same area for different values of Δt.
The upper and centre plots show noticeable differences, whereas the lower and centre plots
have negligible difference, justifying the use of Δt=0.1 as a compromise.
The model itself is only an approximation, assuming the
angle of M remains small. This has shown the basic concepts of a double
pendulum but a more relevant result would be achieved if m ≈ M. A plot of
initial angles for both pendulums on either axis would produce a result similar
to Figure13.
Figure 13. Double Pendulum plot by Jeremy S. Heyl The colour of each pixel indicates whether either pendulum of a double pendulum flips within
10 (green), within 100
(red), 1000 (purple) or 10000
(blue). Those that don't flip within 10000
are plotted white. The angle that the upper pendulum makes with the vertical
initially ranges from -3 at the left-hand side of the plot to +3 at the right-hand side. The angle that the lower pendulum initial makes with the
vertical ranges from -3 at the top to +3 at the bottom.
David Clements, First Year Computing Laboratory, Version 2.9
Raymond Sneyers (1997) "Climate Chaotic Instability: Statistical Determination and Theoretical Background",
Environmetrics, vol. 8, no. 5, pages 517–532.
Meirovitch, Leonard (1986). Elements of Vibration Analysis (2nd edition ed.). McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.
Appendix A: C++ Source code for the main simulation & modification 1 #include <iostream> // Include headers for i/o,
#include <fstream> // file writing,
#include <cmath> // and mathematical functions
usingnamespacestd;doubledoublePendulum(double,double);// Prototype for our simulation
constdoublepi=2*acos(0.0);// Define pi
doubletmax,dt,toutside;/* Declare variables tmax, dt, and
toutside which need to be global */intmain(){/* First we need to create the image we will be plotting to.
We achieve this by reading the header data from a blank
bitmap file and storing in the variable str[].
The width and height of the image are also read, in order
to set the resolution of our graph plot.
*/charstr[54];//Header data for a bitmap is 54 bytes
// Open file in binary read mode and read the first 54 bytes
ifstreamblankfile("blank.bmp",ios::in|ios::binary);blankfile.read(str,54);unsignedintwidth,height;blankfile.seekg(18);// Read WxH from header data
blankfile.read((char*)&width,4);// which are unsigned integers
blankfile.read((char*)&height,4);// at positions 18 and 22
doublea0min,a0max,taumin,taumax,theta;//Input data from user
cout<<"Double Pendulum plot. Enter initial conditions.\na0 min:\n";cin>>a0min;cout<<"a0 max:\n";cin>>a0max;cout<<"tau min:\n";cin>>taumin;cout<<"tau max:\n";cin>>taumax;cout<<"t max:\n";cin>>tmax;cout<<"dt:\n";cin>>dt;/* We now have enough information to create the new file.
For convienience, the values used will be stored in the filename.
We construct this filename using the sprintf() function, which
can combine numerical variables as a string. */charfilename[255];sprintf(filename,"output5/p%f_%f_%f_%f_%f_%f.bmp",a0min,a0max,taumin,taumax,tmax,dt);// Open the file for writing in binary mode
ofstreammyfile(filename,ios::out|ios::binary);// Write the 54 byte header we read earlier
myfile.write(str,54);/* Next is the main cycle which plots every pixel on the graph.
The nested loops travel through each x and y value (i and j)
and the subroutine doublePendulum() is called. Values of a
and tau are calculated based on the limits provided earlier
by the user.
*/charrgb[3];// 3 bytes per pixel
for(intj=0;j<height;j++)// Vertical loop (rows)
{for(inti=0;i<width;i++)// Horizontal loop (columns)
{//Call the function with the values from the loop
theta=doublePendulum(a0min+j/(height/(a0max-a0min)),taumin+i/(width/(taumax-taumin)));/* The pixel brightness is determined by theta.
We need to scale theta from the range -pi, pi into 0, 255
*/rgb[0]=127*theta/pi;/* Colour Adjustment. Saturation is determined by the difference
between the pixel values - three identical values gives a gray
pixel. To highight areas where the pendulum has left the range of
-pi, pi we take the fraction of time outside, and multiply it by
the difference between the current pixel value ( rgb[0] ) and 255.
This value is added to the red pixels ( rgb[2] ) and subtracted
from the green and blue.
*/rgb[2]=(rgb[0]+(127-rgb[0])*toutside/tmax)+127;rgb[1]=(rgb[0]-(127+rgb[0])*toutside/tmax)+127;rgb[0]=(rgb[0]-(127+rgb[0])*toutside/tmax)+127;// Write this pixel to the file
myfile.write(rgb,3);}// Loading bar - clear screen and calculate percentage
system("CLS");cout<<"Rendering . . . "<<100*j/height<<"%";}/* Launch our image for viewing.
The file must be closed, and then a system call can be made to open
the image. For convienience, the filename variable is reused to
construct the command.
*/myfile.close();sprintf(filename,"cd output5 & p%f_%f_%f_%f_%f_%f.bmp",a0min,a0max,taumin,taumax,tmax,dt);system(filename);}// Actual pendulum simulation routine
doubledoublePendulum(doublea,doubletau){// Declare variables
doubleomega=0.0,theta=0.1,t=0.0;toutside=0;// Begin simulation loop
while(t<tmax){/* In each step of the simulation, t increases by dt, and so theta
and omega are increased by their calculated values multiplied by dt.
*/t+=dt;theta+=omega*dt;omega-=dt*(sin(theta)+a*sin(2*pi*t/tau)*cos(theta));/* We record the time the pendulum spends outside the normal
region in the variable toutside. This should have a direct
correlation to the chaotic regions.
Appendix B: Source code for phase-space plots#include <fstream> // Include headers for file writing
#include <cmath> // and mathematical funtions
constdoublepi=2*acos(0.0);// Define pi
intmain(){// Declare variables and initial values
doubleomega=0.0,theta=0.1,t=0.0,dt=0.1,a=0.251,tau=8,tmax=100;std::ofstreammyfile("phase-space/out.txt");//Open file for writing
while(t<tmax){// Begin simulation
t+=dt;// Iterate values - same as simulation 1,
theta+=omega*dt;// see main text for formulae
omega-=dt*(sin(theta)+a*sin(2*pi*t/tau)*cos(theta));myfile<<theta<<"\t"<<omega<<"\n";// Write output to file
The output in this file was then fed into and plotted using MS Excel.