Click and drag to move note
Drag corners to resize
Right click note body to expand, double click to edit text
Middle-click drag to pan, scroll to zoom
Drawing tools: Left click drag on background to draw, right click erase
Sidebar: drag & drop a note onto another to move it. Shift+click a link to jump to the parent note.
Search: Enter to jump to result, shift+Enter to search backwards, Esc to defocus
Download the current state, drag & drop .json file onto this page to load
Keyboard shortcuts:
Arrow keys | pan |
- or PageDown | zoom out |
+ or PageUp | zoom in |
Home | zoom 100% |
End | zoom to fit |
T | Add-Note tool |
M | Marquee tool |
B | Pencil tool |
L | Draw Line tool |
A | Draw Arrow tool |
R | Draw Rectangle tool |
E | Eraser tool |
H | Hand tool |
Z | Zoom tool |
S | Toggle sidebar |
Q | Toggle extra drawing controls |
/ | Focus Search |
Delete | Delete marquee selection |
Escape | Unequip tool |
Ctrl + Z | Undo |
Ctrl + Y (or Ctrl+Shift+Z) | Redo |
Ctrl + A | Select All |
Supported markdown:
Headings | ### H1 ## H2 # H3 |
Bold | *text* |
Italic | _text_ |
Strikethrough | ~text~ |
Inline code | `code` |
Code block | ```code``` |
Hyperlink | [title]( |
Images | ![alt text](image.jpg) |
Ordered list | 1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item |
Unordered list | - First item - Second item - Third item |
Lists can be nested Double-click a list marker to strike out that list item | |