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updatting the pressision clock firmware
filyx20 Posted: 28 Dec 2020, 04:42 PM

Posts: 1
Joined: 28-December 20
hey there, i was currious abbout updatting the firmware of the pressision clock. folowing the guide i connect the attiny 2313 to a usbasp using the pinnouts. i then run the avrdude code, but i end up having this result:
[filyx20@DellBeast build]$ sudo avrdude -c usbasp -p t2313 -U flash:w:us_eastern.hex:i

avrdude: error: program enable: target doesn't answer. 1
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.

avrdude done. Thank you.

i then try again using the -F parameter but i get this result
[filyx20@DellBeast build]$ sudo avrdude -c usbasp -p t2313 -F  -U flash:w:us_eastern.hex:i

avrdude: error: program enable: target doesn't answer. 1
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
avrdude: Device signature = 0x6b72be
avrdude: Expected signature for ATtiny2313 is 1E 91 0A
avrdude: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.

avrdude done. Thank you.

i try to check if the chip still works but without any sucess, and tryig to see if the utc switch works (the reason why im updatting) it dosent. thanks for any help.

mit Posted: 28 Dec 2020, 08:00 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 576
Joined: 4-May 16
Hi, it's probably that something wasn't wired up correctly.

I would recommend to never use -F, if it can't talk to the chip then forcing it to send commands won't work either.

Are you sure the chip is powered? The USBASP programmer has a little header pin where you can set the voltage, should be set to 5V.


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