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Ten Minute Physics Mistake
SapereAude1490 Posted: 16 Jan 2025, 11:04 AM

Posts: 2
Joined: 16-January 25
Hello there,

I recently saw your incredible video about the fluid simulation pendant and I was in awe. I am learning WebGPU at the moment and trying to make a PIC-FLIP simulation using compute shaders.

Now I started with the Ten Minute Physics approach, figuring out how it works. Obviously, I had to modify quite a few things to make it more GPU compatible - for example, I'm using the conjugate gradient method (with Jacobi preconditioner) for the solver instead of the Gauss Seidel method.

I read in your blog post that you found a mistake in the Matthias' code in the boundary condition on the left edge. But I can't seem to spot it.

Would you mind sharing more information on the mistake?

Best regards.

mit Posted: 16 Jan 2025, 03:04 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 576
Joined: 4-May 16
It is very subtle. Not sure if you mean you can't spot it in the source code, or can't see the effect in the demo. The particles on the left edge are constantly pushed downwards. It also affects the top edge if I remember right, if you invert gravity.

I can check my notes, it was very tricky to spot (and doesn't really matter as the fluid sim clearly works anyway).

Edit: OK found again what I think was the mistake, sent it as a pull request.

Last edit by mit at 16 Jan 2025, 03:44 PM


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