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Struggling with Career Goals and Self-Doubt
Black-0098 Posted: 14 Jan 2025, 06:00 AM

Posts: 2
Joined: 14-January 25
Hi, I am a physics engineering student from Colombia. I’m currently about to start my seventh semester at university.

To be honest, I’m terrified about my goals as a professional. Deep down, I want to be just like “Mitxela.” He applies physics, electronics, programming, and other skills in his own mini-projects. However, I feel that all the time I’ve invested in my career won’t get me to that place.

I mean, I’ve worked on many projects with my team, but watching his videos makes me feel deeply inspired and, at the same time, terrified. I keep thinking that I have to start somewhere, but I don’t know how. And lately, I’ve been questioning whether I’m even capable of doing it.

I spend so many hours studying and completing tasks, but where should I begin? Do I really have to sacrifice all my time with family, my girlfriend, or friends to be able to achieve this kind of work?

I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you for reading this far.

Last edit by Black-0098 at 14 Jan 2025, 06:03 AM

mit Posted: 14 Jan 2025, 02:44 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
I'm not sure I'm qualified to give any advice, I'm really not as successful as it might seem from the videos.

Don't compromise on spending time with your family and friends, if there are people you love and enjoy spending time with, I think you would regret prioritising your career over that in the long run. But there may be other things you could sacrifice, I don't know, watching TV or youtube, playing video games, etc. But also be realistic, no one can spend 100% of their free time learning new skills, trying to do that is a quick way to end up burnt out.

One of the important things I've tried to do with this site is show the journey, even if my earlier projects are a bit embarrassing. I really hate when successful artists try to hide their earlier work. I love seeing the progression, to me that's one of the most motivating aspects. One of my heroes Jeroen Domburg has a website which sort-of follows this, some of his earliest projects are straight-forward, then they get better and better and eventually he's performing miracles with electronics.

Another example is the webcomic Schlock Mercenary. If you read the first few comics, it's laughably amateurish. But he kept drawing every single day, and after about a decade the comic was nominated for a Hugo award. Nothing says more clearly how practising every day can pay off. A similar example, Andy Weir, author of The Martian, which got made into a huge budget movie, started out with a webcomic (which I haven't actually read).

At the end of the day, we definitely do not live in a meritocracy, so if you care about your career, learning new skills may not even be the best way to go about it. I have seen incompetent people with no talent end up in high paying roles just because of who they are friends with. It's deeply frustrating. I have chosen not to let it get to me, and to focus on bettering my skills for their own sake.

Black-0098 Posted: 14 Jan 2025, 08:40 PM

Posts: 2
Joined: 14-January 25
First of all, thank you so much for your response and for sharing some of your own inspirations. I think that people like you, who take their own time to help or make things easier for others, are very valuable.

On January 20th, I am starting a very difficult semester with subjects like quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and an advanced project that excites me very much. It is the development of software for a Newmark system in CNC lines to perform photolithography at the university. So, should I start a webpage like this to document my progress, or should I focus solely on the subjects and wait until I finish my degree?

Again, thank you for your response, and don’t worry. I will be giving everything I can to make my dreams come true. This is just a way for me to express myself to someone who truly inspires me.


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