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Ianc Posted: 28 Apr 2021, 07:18 PM

Posts: 2
Joined: 28-April 21
Can you make something, I would love a credit card size instrument using one of your keyboards in something the thickness of a smart phone. Running of coin cell batteries, perhaps quarter inch audio output as well as as an onboard speaker?

mit Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 03:00 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Well, you know, it's possible. Coin cells though? why not a thin rechargeable lithium battery, like smartphones use?

Whenever I have these thought experiments they usually end with me thinking "why not just use a smartphone, and run a synth app?" I know it's a boring answer but it's pretty hard to argue with. Smartphones have a battery and speaker and an audio-out socket (or at least they used to >_<).

But a keyboard on a touch screen isn't quite as fun as something physical... if I did make a compact self-contained synth, people would probably buy it.

Ianc Posted: 1 May 2021, 12:38 PM

Posts: 2
Joined: 28-April 21
Well I certainly would, I was looking around the google store the other day and I found a spirit level app. I would sooner use a real spirit level! I also have Caustic on my phone but as you said it doesn’t seem the same, it would be great to just pull a mini synth out of my pocket and play.


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