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Privacy IR LED facial jewelry
girlTypeRanma Posted: 22 Feb 2025, 06:10 PM

Posts: 1
Joined: 22-February 25
Hello. Computer engineer and piercing enthusiast here. Could you make threaded facial jewelry beads with infrared leds to combat facial recognition monitoring? I think this would be a boon for anybody concerned with their day to day privacy.

mit Posted: 25 Feb 2025, 03:06 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
For IR LEDs to disrupt facial recognition they would need to be very bright. Particularly since most visible light cameras have IR-cut filters, less so for CCTV cameras with night vision.

I think to be practical it would need an external battery. There are some LED eyelashes which have a tiny cable to a battery pack tucked away. That would probably be the best bet.


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