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Precision Clock V2
dispatch Posted: 23 May 2017, 10:43 AM

Posts: 1
Joined: 23-May 17
Any schematics or further info on the Precision Clock V2?

It's an awesome project and I'd love to make one for myself.

mit Posted: 23 May 2017, 01:00 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 583
Joined: 4-May 16
No schematics yet but I put the source code to the ATtiny up here. At least one person has built a replica of it using an Arduino which might be easier but I don't know if they ever got the centiseconds working properly. It's quite tricky to get it to tick perfectly in time with the once-per-second pulse coming from the GPS module.

The clock is still working great today, I particularly enjoyed watching the leap second happen at new year's eve (it handled it perfectly).

kh Posted: 12 Jun 2017, 02:34 AM

Posts: 1
Joined: 12-June 17
Yea, I used some existing libraries, and put it on an ATmega328p with the Arduino bootloader. Can find the code if you want it.

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