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Precision Clock brackets make a table stand or wall mount
avdmart Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 11:15 PM

Posts: 4
Joined: 15-February 20
Hi fans of the Precision Clock.

After I built my clock and enjoyed it sitting on my bench I thought it would be nice if it had a stand and easier to use wall mounting arrangement. I was also not happy with the active GPS antenna flopping around on the end of its fine coax cable. Taping it to the top of one of the LED blocks just seemed lame given how nice the rest of the clock looked.

So I designed and fabricated some brackets that also work as a table stand and they hold the GPS antenna as well. The design is posted on Thingiverse and can easily be printed with a typical 3D printer. The feet are optional if you want to cleanly mound the clock to a wall.

Check it out here:

Here are a few photos:

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mit Posted: 1 Mar 2020, 11:11 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Excellent work!


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