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POV Candle Continous display
anoop Posted: 1 Dec 2024, 07:59 AM

Posts: 6
Joined: 27-September 24
I have tried creating the POV candle and its working fine in hw terms,but now i am facing issues in changing the code, i tried the static cube display but im getting like this:

there is one hw change i have done instead of using GPIO 16 i am using GPIO 26 and 27, so for that i have chnaged the cube header data values by copying the 16th and 26th bit values to 26th and 27th bit place but still i dont see the cube image coming up, even when the motor is not rotating i can see the LED's are not bliking its just static like continous ON.

is there any post or link to learn the logic on how to calculate the required params for the 3D POV?

@mit Please help!!!

(User posted image)


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