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Plotter Fun
Palingenesis Posted: 18 Oct 2022, 12:04 PM

Posts: 3
Joined: 18-October 22
Just a thank you for updating the algorithms and tidying up the code.
I hope at some time to contribute to the application.

I thought I would show some of my results.
I will probably do an Instructible showing How I achieved the results.
I did 3 types before my cheap pens ran out.
here is a video of the results: Tim's Plotter (Plotter Fun)

(User posted image)

if you haven't learnt something new today, then the day has been waisted
Palingenesis Posted: 8 Dec 2022, 06:21 PM

Posts: 3
Joined: 18-October 22
Done an Instructable.

You may get a few more people visiting plotterfun web.

if you haven't learnt something new today, then the day has been waisted
mit Posted: 9 Dec 2022, 12:02 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Thanks for sharing! Sorry I missed this when you first posted.

For the single CMYK plot that I attempted, I took a similar approach, exporting each channel as a black-and-white image and running it through plotterfun, but then I just plotted each SVG directly from inkscape without taking the paper out of the machine. This should have lined up perfectly; it didn't, of course, because the squiggles on the top row were different heights and it used that as the origin.

I like your 10 colour pen holder! I feel like with that, and some automation, we should be able to do 10-colour squiggle plots. Perhaps instead of splitting into CMYK, a new algorithm that selects the nearest colour out of the available ones for each part of the image. I think stipplegen would work quite well with that, then you could have a full colour stipple plot without the circles overlapping.

Palingenesis Posted: 11 Dec 2022, 06:39 PM

Posts: 3
Joined: 18-October 22
Hi Mit, I am the type that believe post and emails should be read at one leisure :)
Glad you like my pen holder.

I was working on something to try and convert colour images to a plot type image, but it was going nowhere.
Then I found what you have done. With all the various algorithms you have, I feel you have covered all that is needed.

I think if you was to separate the colours so they don't overlap, you would have to have a high number of smaller circles.
Then it is a time issue, how long is it going to take to plot.
My plotter is small, one I made my self. It's fairly slow compared to a commercial type.
I went for Linedraw in the instructable because I thought it showed best results over time (least time to plot).
I think for Photos, using the primary colours is the way to go.
I had in mind using my multi-colour pen for drawing coloured drawings that had been drawn using Vector Graphic software.

I'm on with another project at the moment, but I think I should come back to this one day and try and give it G-Code output.
When I made my current Converter (fairly basic), I was still learning, well I still am, but I know a little more now ha-ha.

if you haven't learnt something new today, then the day has been waisted

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