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My Digital Leslie Speaker
Rossman Posted: 5 Jan 2019, 11:17 PM

Posts: 3
Joined: 5-January 19
This is an amazing website. I was completely blown away by the vector O-scope games project. Thought I'd share an old project of mine - a Digital Leslie speaker. I use digital volume controls and a Pic chip to control a 4 channel car amplifier as the guts of this beast. My daughter got into the act later and hooked up her TOF based theremin.

The Speaker

The upgraded Digital Leslie speaker connected to a TOF Theremin

Last edit by Rossman at 5 Jan 2019, 11:19 PM

Stratocaster Disaster Master
mit Posted: 7 Jan 2019, 06:21 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Hi, nice to meet you. That's a cool project. How similar does it sound to a real leslie? If I recall correctly, the rotating speakers were enclosed within a box, which probably affects the sound quite a bit.

I wonder how it would sound if you changed it from going around in order, to doing a Z-shape, i.e. speakers 1,3,2,4...

Another thing you could try is physically rotating your speaker system, while the software is rotating the sound in the other direction, so it would sort-of sound like the source isn't moving, but there would be weird doppler effects on top of it. Interesting!

Rossman Posted: 8 Jan 2019, 01:29 PM

Posts: 3
Joined: 5-January 19
It sounds similar to a Leslie. You are absolutely right about switching up the order - switching from 1234 to 1243 makes for a more pulsating tone. I also have the ability to blend the transitions between two speakers.

Stratocaster Disaster Master
mit Posted: 8 Jan 2019, 06:43 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Something I have always wanted to do is have a strip of speakers along the top of an ambulance, and use a technique like this to have the siren working, but cancel any doppler effect. You would need to have multiple virtual sirens travelling backwards at the speed the ambulance is moving forwards.


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