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mitxela´s music box
DAVID Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 02:28 AM
I love mcus

Posts: 237
Joined: 10-September 17
hi, this question is not to the music box itself, but to the software you use for programming the stm32f103 mcu.
I am making an extremly powerful synth with this mcu (more on that in a upcoming post) but i am using the Coocox IDE
(sadly the coocox website has been shut down on early 2017) that is kind of obsolete. but enough talking.
Which software did you use mit?

Last edit by DAVID at 18 Jun 2019, 02:30 AM

mit Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 01:00 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Well I almost certainly chose the most difficult way of doing it. I am not really a fan of IDEs, I just write the code in notepad and then compile it from the command line.

The compiler I used is arm-gcc, which I think is the official compiler. Most IDEs will be using this same compiler internally.

I used a makefile to invoke the compiler. A makefile is a script for a program called "make" that's very common for this kind of thing. It's a bit old-fashioned but it works very well. To use it you need a unix-like environment, at the time I made the music box I was using mingw.

In the github repo you can see the makefile I used, this was copied from one of the example projects, I don't remember where I found it. But they usually look a lot like that. I added the "flash" line so that I could type "make flash" and it would compile the code and flash it to the chip.

So yeah, this probably isn't the easiest way to do it, using an IDE will probably make things a lot simpler, but makefiles and gcc is a good thing to know about because it's used for a lot more than just arm/embedded stuff.

DAVID Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 10:49 PM
I love mcus

Posts: 237
Joined: 10-September 17
thanks mit, i tried to create a makefile for my project but i just gave up because of the enormous quantity of files and directories i need to refer to, (there were 62 files).
So i will just put a pre_compiled file with the coocox project file instead


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