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Mini Pitchbend Joystick
ewi4christ Posted: 15 Aug 2022, 05:25 AM

Posts: 2
Joined: 15-August 22
Hello, I'm very happy to find this website.
I have purchased two mini pitch bend joysticks from Brendan Power - but I didn't like how they set them up. In my case, they are useless as they only give on-and-off pitch change. I need continuous values of pitch change. Even it is not allowed to use your calibration tool here. Is is possible to wipe out their setting(or program) and to restore your original setup/program. I hope I can configure this later to meet my need. Thank you so much.


Last edit by ewi4christ at 15 Aug 2022, 05:27 AM

mit Posted: 15 Aug 2022, 07:08 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 574
Joined: 4-May 16

I handed the whole of the Mini Pitchbend Joystick project over to Brendan Power and John Shirley. I haven't kept track with any developments to it. But the source code to the original device is here:

If you are lucky, the device is shipped with the micronucleus bootloader, so firmware updates could be done via usb. This was something I was part-way through adding before handing the project over, so I've no idea if that's supported now. Otherwise, you'll need to dismantle the device and reprogram the chip using a test clip.

ewi4christ Posted: 15 Aug 2022, 09:21 PM

Posts: 2
Joined: 15-August 22
Thank you so much for quick reply. They didn't ship the bootloader with it. I emailed a few times to John Shirley but have not heard from him. I did google search to see if I can buy the microncleus bootloader. I found a few. Can you recommend any bootloader?

Would this one work?

Many thanks.



mit Posted: 17 Aug 2022, 12:26 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 574
Joined: 4-May 16
The bootloader is software installed onto the chip, it's not a physical thing you can buy.

For programming the chip without it, you can use an ISP adapter such as USBASP. You will also need a SOIC-8 test clip to connect to the chip. I'm afraid I can't provide any more help than that.


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