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Hi Mitxela <33333
take_my_money Posted: 5 Apr 2024, 08:59 PM

Posts: 1
Joined: 5-April 24
I'm a fan of your creations.

Also i love your website, i recently made my first website "the manual way" too so while snooping around i can appreciate how neat and simple yours seem (at least to my un-experienced eyes!).

Its pretty cool to be able to see how something works and understand whats going on, kind of the same of disassembling electronics or mechanics.

Its good when its simple!

Thank you for being you and keeping things real.


(my username is a lie i don't have money.)

mit Posted: 6 Apr 2024, 09:52 AM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16

I've had some weird conversations in the last few years where people look at my website and ask which frameworks I am using. There was a guy who kept listing more and more frameworks I'd never heard of trying to "guess" which one it was I'm using. o___O

Which is funny because these days it's so much easier to make sites from scratch. CSS and browser compatibility is sooo much better than it used to be. When I did the web design for KG back in 2006 I had to do all kinds of horrible hacks to get it to display consistently, like using several nested tables and stretched transparent gif images to set the minimum widths. That was how it was done back then.


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