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Game console sources on github?
phanus Posted: 4 Jul 2019, 09:42 AM

Posts: 2
Joined: 4-July 19
Hi Mitxela,
I would like to build the game console, just for having fun playing pacman on the oscilloscope. Do you plan to release the sources on the github? The asm code on the project page references other files like music.asm which I was unable to find.

Thank you,
keep up the awesome work. :)

mit Posted: 6 Jul 2019, 12:53 AM
yeah whatever

Posts: 576
Joined: 4-May 16
Hi, there are a couple of reasons I didn't stick it on github - first of all the syntax highlighting is very poor for assembly there and it makes it quite hard to read. Secondly the source code is an utter mess, with multiple directories of files referencing each other all over the place. It was written extremely quickly with little regard for clarity.

I think I put all of the needed code up, except for the raw music data which was generated with a javascript file, I'm not sure if I still have that stuff. Possibly more useful would be assembled hex files for the games, which I could potentially rip from the cartridges.

I'm keen to see if you're able to build a clone of it, I'll take a look for the music data when I get a chance.

phanus Posted: 7 Jul 2019, 09:09 AM

Posts: 2
Joined: 4-July 19
It would be awesome to have cartridge dumps and ATMega dump with fuse settings as well. It would spare me potential problems with compiling the asm code. Thanks! I will share the build progress.


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