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full song on pcm playback
DAVID Posted: 22 May 2018, 04:41 AM
I love mcus

Posts: 237
Joined: 10-September 17
hi a was playing with pcm on my arduino mega which has 200000 kilobytes of program memory so i wonder if a can fit a whole uncompresed 3 min wav file at 8000 khz of samping rate and 8 bits of resolution

mit Posted: 22 May 2018, 12:30 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
If it has 200000 kilobytes, you can fit a whole lot more than that! I think you might need to check that number again.

I assume you mean 8kHz, in which case 3 minutes at 8 bit resolution would take 3 * 60 * 8000 = 1440000 bytes = 1.37 megabytes. I doubt you have enough program memory for that, but maybe you can read it from an SD card. Or, look into storing compressed audio.

DAVID Posted: 22 May 2018, 10:15 PM
I love mcus

Posts: 237
Joined: 10-September 17
so i was wrong because i use c to code so the whole compiler crash because of file size and also the internal flash is only 250 kilobytes so it would not fit so a look to a solution which is using a spi flash memory and then just read from it


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