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Died 7 segment led
shem240 Posted: 29 Jan 2024, 04:18 PM

Posts: 2
Joined: 22-January 24
Hi purchased your precision clock kit couple of years or more ago and one segment the F segment has died… could you sell me a replacement 7 segment led please. I’ve asked you rather than shopping on eBay as you will have the correct one..

Edited to say could you please invoice me if you can help

Thank you

Last edit by shem240 at 29 Jan 2024, 11:49 PM

mit Posted: 31 Jan 2024, 01:48 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
If it's from a couple of years ago I may not have the exact one in stock, but I can have a look. If you send me an email I'll be able to help quicker. If you send a picture of the digit with the part number showing I can try and match batch based on the font.


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