DAVID | Posted: 19 Jan 2019, 08:27 PM |
![]() I love mcus Member Posts: 237 Joined: 10-September 17 |
hi, i have use timers on the atmega328p and they have work fine, but now what i need to do is to set timer1 to ctc mode and use both TIMER1_COMPA_vect and TIMER1_COMPB_vect and then control their overflow time with OCR1A and OCR1B. So what i did was:
and so pin 13 blinks but it is blinking at the frequency set by OCR1A and no OCR1B so it does not matter how big or small OCR1B is, TIMER1_COMPB_vect is completely depended on OCR1A. Any suggestions? ------------- |
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