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Can I purchase the Stylocard anywhere?!!
hush Posted: 4 Aug 2018, 07:53 AM

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Joined: 4-August 18
I am extremely fond of this and I notice that I'm not the only one asking.
Based on the sylocard youtube video. you could perhaps send a link to the project file so we could print it, or pay to have it printed ourselves.[color=Blue][/color]

mit Posted: 6 Aug 2018, 09:51 AM
yeah whatever

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Joined: 4-May 16
Hi, I know a lot of people are interested in this, I am unfortunately very busy right now so I haven't had a chance to capitalize on it.

I was speaking to Dubreq (who made the original stylophone) about getting it turned into a real product sold on the shelves, but this is a slow process. Hopefully soon!

WindFactory Posted: 8 Aug 2018, 11:12 PM

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That would be really cool. As an engineering student I thought that it would be a great thing to send back to my few music teachers and marching band director that I had throughout school.

DAVID Posted: 9 Aug 2018, 06:26 AM
I love mcus

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Joined: 10-September 17
or why dont you try using jlcpcb to buy them?

SurpriseFox Posted: 9 Aug 2018, 09:48 PM

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Joined: 9-August 18
These are pretty cool, I'd be down to purchase one.

Anapan Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 02:08 PM
wants altoids-card-synth

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I would like to own one as well.
My first thought when I saw it was "What about a piezoelectric speaker?"
A quick search turned up a USB midi host on a tiny PCB.

Would a stack of 2 or 3 cards (a bank of coin cells - 2016 or 2012 for power, or one of those lithium ion credit card power banks) make a full fledged synthesizer possible?

2 minutes later edit:
Wow, I checked out the site. I had no idea you had other projects so similar. I might commission this toy. Youtube just told me 15 minutes ago that I should watch your video.

Last edit by Anapan at 23 Aug 2018, 02:19 PM

DAVID Posted: 24 Aug 2018, 04:21 AM
I love mcus

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Joined: 10-September 17

mit Posted: 28 Aug 2018, 09:42 AM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
QUOTE (Anapan)
Would a stack of 2 or 3 cards (a bank of coin cells - 2016 or 2012 for power, or one of those lithium ion credit card power banks) make a full fledged synthesizer possible?

That depends on what you mean by "full fledged". You would be able to make some sounds at least, but it would probably sound more like a musical greetings card than a synthesizer. To get a decent sound out of a piezo buzzer, you need a fairly high voltage. With 3V the best you can hope for is a rail-to-rail square wave. Or a very, very quiet synthesizer.

Jimery Posted: 27 Sep 2018, 08:36 AM

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Joined: 27-September 18
or why dont you try using jlcpcb to buy them?

Pretty good idea! Haven't tried jlcpcb, i will try it from my default PCB manufacturer Seeed Studio

mit Posted: 27 Sep 2018, 01:40 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Gosh, that's a tough one. Like a spambot, you've registered just to reply with a link. But unlike a spambot, you've gone to the trouble of using fluent English and making the link vaguely relevant!

In honour of you, Jimery, I have altered the forum to stick rel=nofollow onto all hyperlinks. No more blood for the SEO vampires to suck.

And if anyone was wondering, the actual company I ordered the PCBs from was PCBWay.

AntonR Posted: 20 Dec 2018, 09:56 AM

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Any updates? It's been a few months and I can't find any other information within your site. Although I did have a bit of fun exploring.

mit Posted: 22 Dec 2018, 04:18 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Unfortunately not. Definitely nothing in time for Christmas sorry.

I did make a new version of the stylocard back in august, I fixed all of the perceived problems with it: it now has hardware USB, better debouncing, a built-in stylus, a reduced number of components on the board, octave jumping and some other midi features, and the connector is now micro-USB, which makes the whole thing slightly thicker, but it seems more people have micro-usb cables than full size extensions.

I can't (officially) sell it yet until it's been EMC tested. Maybe I will have some renewed enthusiasm in January.

lmore3 Posted: 24 Dec 2018, 08:39 AM

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Can you release the files for printing the pcb?

AntonR Posted: 29 Dec 2018, 10:32 PM

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I don't mind waiting. Hope you guys had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

TrentonGage11 Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 04:08 AM

Posts: 3
Joined: 15-November 19
Any word on the cards?

Yes I know it is 2019 and about a month and a half away from being 2020

Hi Folks

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