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Automated pétanque scoring
mit Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 08:56 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
The quadcopter arrived! In my first five minutes of playing with it I can conclude the following:

- I couldn't get the app to work with my phone, it ran but wouldn't control the quad. There are other apps to try, also my phone might just be terrible.

- With a tiny bit of modification it could accept the same batteries as my helicopter, so we've potentially got another 6 batteries to swap in

- Multiple devices can connect to the wifi network it broadcasts, it's unencrypted but it's not straightforward to get wireshark / the wifi adapter into promiscuous mode. I think we might need to use aircrack (or airmon?)

We should investigate further on the weekend.

harne121 Posted: 2 Nov 2017, 09:06 AM

Posts: 1
Joined: 2-November 17
QUOTE (mit)
I just ordered one, it's the Eachine E50. It's slightly bigger and more expensive (£31, whoa!) but has "8 to 15 min" battery life. It's hilariously marketed as a 'selfie drone' but the important point is it's flown by WiFi and has an onboard camera. The camera can be tilted but not straight downwards, we could either modify it, or maybe just mount a 45 degree mirror in front of it.

Once it arrives, the first thing we need to do is play pétanque, fly the drone over it and get some screenshots. Then we can work on the software for the scoring with useful data to go by.

There's a more expensive drone which someone has reverse-engineered the API for: - I wonder how hard it'll be to reverse engineer the eachine protocol? Might require some tedious android debugging...
Well if you want high tech and quality then it would be expensive and i think it is good price. For more drone at good price you can check out [ link removed ].

Last edit by mit at 2 Nov 2017, 12:10 PM

mit Posted: 2 Nov 2017, 12:18 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
QUOTE (harne121)
QUOTE (mit)
... the Eachine E50. It's slightly bigger and more expensive (£31, whoa!)
Well if you want high tech and quality then it would be expensive and i think it is good price. For more drone at good price you can check out [ link removed ].
There may be a language barrier here, as an element of sarcasm seems to have gone over your head.

There are almost no rules to this forum, but the lack of any reference to pétanque in your post suggests you may not be taking the subject matter seriously.

Oh, and the conclusion with the drone experiments was that they were too unstable in the wind, even the slightest gust blows these tiny drones off course and pétanque is normally played in large open spaces. I think the 'active balls' method holds the most promise now.


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