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atmega328 sd card midi
DAVID Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 01:57 AM
I love mcus

Posts: 237
Joined: 10-September 17
hi, i was traveling in the internet about sd cards and avr and i found this
it is an atmega128 that reads a midi file from an sd card and then send that data over a 5 pin din midi out.
so i compile the code for my atmega328 and when it is running everything looks fine but no matter what i tryied the avr don´t recognize any file off the sd card but it did recognize the sd card.
so how can i fix that error? or do i need other program?

DAVID Posted: 26 Dec 2017, 12:50 AM
I love mcus

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well i have created a code that works fine, here is the source
and here is a video:

Last edit by DAVID at 28 May 2018, 04:02 AM

DAVID Posted: 27 Dec 2017, 04:25 AM
I love mcus

Posts: 237
Joined: 10-September 17
but i still have to use a midi to usb adapter so i wonder if there will be vusb soport for the atmega2560??

mit Posted: 27 Dec 2017, 02:23 PM
yeah whatever

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Joined: 4-May 16
Well I can't answer you questions, but I just watched your video, excellent choice of MIDI file! Hehehe.

I don't know if there'll be vusb support for that chip, but if you really wanted you could add another chip to do the MIDI -> USB conversion, then you could change the baud rate to be much higher between them than the standard midi speed. I don't know if that's any better than using the ordinary usb/midi adapter though.

DAVID Posted: 28 Dec 2017, 05:40 AM
I love mcus

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well i switch from the atmega328 to the atmega2560 because it has more prosesing power than the 328 but it didn´t make a huge difference in sending midi faster and i also try vusb midi in the atmega328 that it turn out to be a success but since it is vusb it is reaaallly slow it even crash the 328 so i could use a a microcontroller that has usb hardware like the popular atmega32u4 but it is a pain in the ass when soldering the qnf package.

Last edit by DAVID at 22 Apr 2018, 11:52 PM

DAVID Posted: 28 Dec 2017, 05:44 AM
I love mcus

Posts: 237
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and that also i´m not really good at c. i allways use arduino wich is a kind of c++

mit Posted: 28 Dec 2017, 10:42 PM
yeah whatever

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Joined: 4-May 16
The problem might not be the USB to MIDI part, it might just be struggling to process what it's reading from the SD card fast enough.

It might be easier to try doing this with a Raspberry Pi, which has a lot more processing power, and linux software to read and process the files.

Or you could try out one of the STM32F103 chips, which have USB, 72MHz, and I think you can use arduino with them. Many options...

DAVID Posted: 14 Jun 2018, 04:03 AM
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i have made a v2 of the midi player which performs better than v1
code and schematic in the video

lgtech6719 Posted: 6 Dec 2020, 01:00 PM

Posts: 3
Joined: 6-December 20
Hi, David . It's a great project. I was searching for the same project in Arduino version. Thank you for the work. Just want to clarify that the basic project has speed and recording options. Is it possible to use the same in Arduino version?

DAVID Posted: 7 Dec 2020, 08:29 AM
I love mcus

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Joined: 10-September 17
Hi there lgtech6719, If I understood correctly your question you are trying to add recording capabilities to the code, which you can completely do with any version of the arduino IDE above 1.6.
In this project I used the MD_MIDIFile ( library which makes it super easy to read and write MIDI files on an SD card, You might want to take a look at the examples that this library has to offer.
In the meantime since this project is more than 2 years old I have made yet another new version which I plan to do a video on, problem is the final source code is gone since I did a quite embarrassing mistake and lost it (I formatted my linux HDD by accident).

lgtech6719 Posted: 8 Dec 2020, 07:49 AM

Posts: 3
Joined: 6-December 20
Thanks for the quick response. waiting for your improved version.


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