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About this forum
mit Posted: 20 May 2017, 09:25 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 562
Joined: 4-May 16
Welcome to the forum. I have no idea how active or useful this will be, but I've been getting a lot of emails lately asking questions, and I figured if these questions were answered here then at least there's a chance other people with the same questions can find the answers sooner.

The forum was written from scratch in PHP. It's fairly minimalist but one bonus feature is attaching images to posts, which I figured was pretty important and should be very easy to use.

Passwords are sent over a TLS-encrypted connection and stored as a salted MD5 hash. But it's still probably a bad idea to use the same password you'd use for your online bank.

If you discover any glitches or missing features let me know. Maybe even post a topic about it. Ho ho.

mit Posted: 15 Jun 2017, 12:07 AM
yeah whatever

Posts: 562
Joined: 4-May 16
I've just added "code" tags to the BBCode. Not sure how I forgot to add that originally. Now we can quote source code like this:

Here is some source code

It's just a <pre> tag so it can also be used to muck about (here's hoping the css overflow works correctly):

L:::::::::L B::::::::::::::::B i::::i ttt:::t f::::::::::::::::f T:::::::::::::::::::::T ttt:::t
L:::::::::L B::::::BBBBBB:::::B iiii t:::::t f::::::::::::::::::f T:::::::::::::::::::::T t:::::t
LL:::::::LL BB:::::B B:::::B t:::::t f::::::fffffff:::::f T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T t:::::t
L:::::L ooooooooooo nnnn nnnnnnnn ggggggggg ggggg B::::B B:::::Biiiiiiittttttt:::::ttttttt ooooooooooo f:::::f ffffff TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTTeeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxx xxxxxxxttttttt:::::ttttttt
L:::::L oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn g:::::::::ggg::::g B::::B B:::::Bi:::::it:::::::::::::::::t oo:::::::::::oo f:::::f T:::::T ee::::::::::::ee x:::::x x:::::x t:::::::::::::::::t
L:::::L o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn g:::::::::::::::::g B::::BBBBBB:::::B i::::it:::::::::::::::::t o:::::::::::::::of:::::::ffffff T:::::T e::::::eeeee:::::eex:::::x x:::::x t:::::::::::::::::t
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L:::::L o::::o o::::o n:::::nnnn:::::ng:::::g g:::::g B::::BBBBBB:::::B i::::i t:::::t o::::o o::::of::::::::::::f T:::::T e:::::::eeeee::::::e x::::::::::x t:::::t
L:::::L o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::ng:::::g g:::::g B::::B B:::::B i::::i t:::::t o::::o o::::of:::::::ffffff T:::::T e:::::::::::::::::e x::::::::x t:::::t
L:::::L o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::ng:::::g g:::::g B::::B B:::::B i::::i t:::::t o::::o o::::o f:::::f T:::::T e::::::eeeeeeeeeee x::::::::x t:::::t
L:::::L LLLLLLo::::o o::::o n::::n n::::ng::::::g g:::::g B::::B B:::::B i::::i t:::::t tttttt o::::o o::::o f:::::f T:::::T e:::::::e x::::::::::x t:::::t tttttt
LL:::::::LLLLLLLLL:::::Lo:::::ooooo:::::o n::::n n::::ng:::::::ggggg:::::g BB:::::BBBBBB::::::Bi::::::i t::::::tttt:::::t o:::::ooooo:::::of:::::::f TT:::::::TT e::::::::e x:::::xx:::::x t::::::tttt:::::t
L::::::::::::::::::::::Lo:::::::::::::::o n::::n n::::n g::::::::::::::::g B:::::::::::::::::B i::::::i tt::::::::::::::t o:::::::::::::::of:::::::f T:::::::::T e::::::::eeeeeeee x:::::x x:::::x tt::::::::::::::t
L::::::::::::::::::::::L oo:::::::::::oo n::::n n::::n gg::::::::::::::g B::::::::::::::::B i::::::i tt:::::::::::tt oo:::::::::::oo f:::::::f T:::::::::T ee:::::::::::::e x:::::x x:::::x tt:::::::::::tt
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ooooooooooo nnnnnn nnnnnn gggggggg::::::g BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iiiiiiii ttttttttttt ooooooooooo fffffffff TTTTTTTTTTT eeeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxx xxxxxxx ttttttttttt
gggggg g:::::g
g:::::gg gg:::::g

mit Posted: 14 Jun 2022, 12:58 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 562
Joined: 4-May 16
Bringing this forum squarely into the 21st century, I've just added a couple of new features which have been missing for a while:

- You can now upload images in webp format. PHP GD can't resize an animated webp image, so if you try and upload an animated webp bigger than 800px it'll just reject it, but smaller animations are fine. I'll probably wait a few years before adding AVIF/JPEG XL support.

- You can now upload images directly from the clipboard. This is particularly useful if you want to post a screenshot. Windows has the Win+Shift+S shortcut, so you can select a rectangle on screen and paste it straight into the textarea. On linux I've set the same function using scrot in my i3 config:
bindsym $mod+Shift+s --release $exe "scrot -s ~/screenshots/`date '+%+4Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`.png -e 'xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -i $f'"
(this saves the image too, but that isn't necessary)

mit Posted: 8 Mar 2023, 09:09 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 562
Joined: 4-May 16
I can't really believe this, but I've just spotted a mistake in the date localisation code. There was a >12 instead of >=12 in the logic for AM/PM. It's been like that since 2016 and nobody spotted it. I guess it is pretty subtle if you're not looking for it. Still, pretty embarrassing! Fixed now.

I only went with this date format because it's the style used on early 2000s forums, really I should have gone with ISO-8601.

Rachel Posted: 28 Mar 2024, 02:53 PM

Posts: 1
Joined: 28-March 24
QUOTE (mit)
nobody spotted it..

Just nobody had the heart

(User posted image)
mit Posted: 8 May 2024, 12:05 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 562
Joined: 4-May 16
A hug is precisely what I need right now. I have just completed porting almost all of the site to PHP8. The number of arbitrary backwards-incompatible changes was offensive. This isn't the place for a rant about it, but I wanted to announce that the forum should be functional now. There are probably still a whole load of deprecation warnings hiding about, if anything breaks please let me know.


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