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A tinysynth
Spuddy Posted: 26 Jun 2018, 01:51 PM

Posts: 2
Joined: 26-June 18
Stumbled across your blog entry that mentions the ATtiny85. I thought I'd have a go but still awaiting delivery.
Most of the explaining is over my head ...I can just about cope with a 555...but I'll read it again.
Have you done any more tinkering with this; it looks promising and could be useful to produce the knock down bits from separate pockets in a pub and invite chume to try it out. Hmm, but where to clip the wrist strap?

mit Posted: 26 Jun 2018, 08:12 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 581
Joined: 4-May 16
Hi, I've done a few different projects with the ATtiny85, not sure which one you're referring to. You mention the wrist strap, are you talking about the Tiny Theremin project?

I can try and explain it further if you like.

DAVID Posted: 27 Jun 2018, 02:52 AM
I love mcus

Posts: 237
Joined: 10-September 17
but i don t think it will be stable to build a theremin with a 555 timer since for it to change the tone it must be oscillating at a very high freq so that any capacitance will make the system unstable and also that for the high frequency it would not be hearable

Spuddy Posted: 29 Jun 2018, 07:36 PM

Posts: 2
Joined: 26-June 18
Yes, I meant the tiny theramin. Still waiting for the bits to tinker with.
Doubt I'll go for tiny but scale it up to suit my sausage fingers and failing sight

teddy7 Posted: 28 Oct 2018, 07:40 PM

Posts: 3
Joined: 28-October 18
QUOTE (mit)
Hi, I've done a few different projects with the ATtiny85, not sure which one you're referring to. You mention the wrist strap, are you talking about the Tiny Theremin project?

I can try and explain it further if you like.


555 is a Timer, nothing else. You would need the ATTiny85, it is
a Hardware Controller. I'd suggest an Arduino UNO. There cheap!
Then you can use a board plugged into to Arduino, that will allow
you to plugged the ATTiny85 into the Arduino UNO for programming.
If your interested, let me know and I will give the schematic for it.

teddy7 Posted: 28 Oct 2018, 07:45 PM

Posts: 3
Joined: 28-October 18
QUOTE (Spuddy)
Stumbled across your blog entry that mentions the ATtiny85. I thought I'd have a go but still awaiting delivery.
Most of the explaining is over my head ...I can just about cope with a 555...but I'll read it again.
Have you done any more tinkering with this; it looks promising and could be useful to produce the knock down bits from separate pockets in a pub and invite chume to try it out. Hmm, but where to clip the wrist strap?


Personally, I have NEVER used a wrist strap; and I'm 70 years old.
At times, where I leave, moving on a carpet, and building a electrical charge and then gripping a chip; never never heart an


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