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3D model web viewer
gambistics Posted: 8 Jan 2024, 10:47 AM

Posts: 5
Joined: 8-January 24
I enjoy the 3D rendering of your board designs on your site and I'd like to put similar ones on my site. Is the code available somewhere? Do you mind these code bits to be copied / reused?

Thanks for all your awesome work!

mit Posted: 8 Jan 2024, 03:36 PM
yeah whatever

Posts: 551
Joined: 4-May 16
I'm glad people like it, I've had a few messages about the model viewer. If you've not seen it I wrote about it here.

I came up with it independently, but a suspiciously similar approach was taken by google, with another project called Model Viewer, that has a lot more bells and whistles, and might be more appropriate.

The code I wrote is very specific to my site, you would need to adjust the styling for it to fit another layout.

If I feel up to it I could potentially make my code more generic and share it properly. 95% of the work is just from THREE.js, but it's pinned to an older version, before they switched it all to ES6 modules.

gambistics Posted: 9 Jan 2024, 10:27 AM

Posts: 5
Joined: 8-January 24
Thanks, I'll definitely try out model-viewer as well but I also like your minimalist approach. ;)

gambistics Posted: 9 Jan 2024, 11:10 AM

Posts: 5
Joined: 8-January 24
Ok, model-viewer works well for me (but needs an extra conversion from vrml to glb, but that also gives me a chance to fix the soldermask color that kicad does not seem to export correctly).


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